Friday, June 02, 2006

Great Night in Molten Core

As Zarina mentioned, the guild did very well in Molten Core last night. One-shotted the first six bosses and managed to pull 40 people together for the first time. The highlight of my night, however, was that I received one of the bindings for creating Thunderfury. I never thought I would be in line to receive a legendary item, but I appreciate that the guild trusts me and wants to gear me up as much as possible. I posted a few screenshots of the item and the quest line.

Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker

Unfortunately, it will be quite some time before I see the item. I need the other binding, a drop from Ragnaros, and 10 Elementium Bars. The Elementium requires going into Blackwing Lair. Also, smelting the bars involves some expensive materials including 10 arcanite bars each! In the end, it will be worth the effort and I look forward to the day we take down Thunderaan.

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